Thirty years

Logo and campaign

30 year anniversary – Campaign logo for Beatles Story Museum.

Illustrative logo campaign design for The Beatles Story to celebrate its 30th anniversary.

A visual chronology and history of both the bands career and exhibitions featured at the Beatles Story museum.

Bright block sectioned areas make up the ’30’ in typographic composition to be featured on all brand and promotional items for the museum.
Logo easily drops into a distinct mono marque.

The identity is both an easily identifiable visual history of the Beatles career and a reflection of the Exhibitions featured at the Beatles Story.
Bright, vivid block sectioned areas make up the ’30’ in this abstract but fun typographic illustration composition.

This promotional identity piece is to be applied across all media and marketing branding. From a stand alone logo through to street and exhibition banners, social and digital media to help promote the museum.

The identity is also required to work as a mono logo design to be applied to Beatles Story branded promotional items in the ever popular Fab4 shop.

mock up of logo on tshirt
retro tote bag logo design
creative illustrative brand-identity anniversary logo Beatles career