Morse Code Love

morse code saying a dash is equal to three dots

Visual Communication Symbols – Morse Code Love

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Morse code is a digital communication signal. It can be transmitted in many different ways, including visible light, radio waves and electrical pulses. A system for representing letters of the alphabet, numerals, and punctuation marks by an arrangement of dots, dashes, and spaces.

Not only is Morse Code a grand-daddy of communication messaging. It also is a beautiful thing when noted in it’s visual format.

Each letter of the alphabet and 10 numerals is represented by a visual sequence of dots and dashes. Which used in telecommunications is then transmitted as two different signal durations called dots and dashes or dits and dahs. A dash being equal in length to 3 dots.

With its combinations of ‘dots’ and ‘dashes’, morse code also has many similarities between it’s distant cousin ‘binary digital code’ with it’s sequences of ‘0’s and ‘1’s.


Not only that Morse Code can also be used to transmit abbreviations of commonly used words or phrases to speed up the process.

We do love Morse Code at GOTO creative and have been having a little studio fun with these striking RGB Morse Code visual graphics. I do think this is something we’ll be returning to to explore in further detail at a later date.

graphic spelling out goto morse code love